The protagonist is a young Jim Hawkins and works in his parents' inn called The Admiral Benbow.
One day he came to the inn, an old sailor with a big scar named Billy Bones. At death this Jim is an old account book and a map. So you learn of the existence of a legendary treasure. After this revelation, along with Dr. Jim Livesey and Trelawney gentleman preparing an expedition to go in your search.
To this the gentleman buys a boat called "Spanish", but initially has trouble finding crew, until one day he comes across with Long John Silver who is a former sailor, but is eager to return to the sea . This is immediately hired as a cook and he in turn finds the rest of the crew which he said are a "sea wolves." So in such strange company began the long journey.
During the voyage, Jim fell into a barrel of apples, and listened as Silver hiding there, he prepared a riot.
From there the crew is divided into two fronts. One with Jim, Redruth (Trelawney server), the actual Trelawney, Livesey, Gray, Humtah, Joyce and Captain Smollett. And across the rest of the crew, drunk most of the time, led by John Silver, a pirate who despite having a wooden leg is very agile and has great intelligence.
The first group to reach the island to get off the ship and take refuge hut called a "stake", a wooden house with a fence for the defense that had been built by Captain Flint.
When they had on the island a few days the situation took a big change. Ben Gunn Jim found that Flint was a pirate who left abandoned on the island. Another day Jim left the "Estacada" without telling anyone and went to the boat with the intention to recover as it had been held by pirates, and was their only means to get out of the island. Through cunning and luck achievement gain control and bring the schooner to another cove where left stranded, so hackers could not find.
this is the book I have read on holiday,
On his return to the "Estacada" Jim took a big surprise, because instead of finding their friends. Who found was Silver with pirates who remained, there were not many. There he learned that his friends had made a deal with Silver, who in exchange for letting them out was left with the map, livestock, supplies, gunpowder and the promise that the doctor would visit the sick.
The Pirates decided to go find the treasure, leading to Jim as a prisoner. Upon arrival at the place indicated on the map, they found that the treasure was gone. Someone had beaten them. At that time Jim's friends are rescuing and taking a prisoner to Silver.
They went to Ben Gunn's cave, where this had taken the treasure. It took almost a day to transport the treasure to the Spanish
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